My Story

Biophilia in art…!

Biophilia is defined as the innate human instinct to connect with nature and other living beings.

Do you feel this connection?

My work aims to to give you a glimpse of the endlessly fascinating details moods and atmospheres that are in the natural world.

I believe we are all intuitively responding to the world around us, intimately connected to nature and we all need a dose of nature every day. Art can give you this too, through the textures, colours and details that evoke the intricacies of the hidden natural world.

My process

I respond to and build up layers, letting the materials lead the way. I do this because I love the depth this creates and the unexpected effects and surprises you can see in my work. I could never plan this. 

Sometimes I blend physical collage pieces in the early layers as a connection to human community life (old family paperwork and social history cuttings) Responding intuitively I layer over inks, paints and mark making using a limited palette. These layers evoke textures and connections to the natural world for you to enjoy.

Marks made with plants from the place that I’m painting add another layer of significance and I will also use local earth pigments and sand.

My Studio

My studio is in the garden of my home and I’m lucky enough to have a wonderful view over the Malvern Hills. UK.

It’s a small space but I love it.

I also work outside whenever I can, relishing the freedom to work even more expressively without the constraints of an easel.


I love to help people to use their creativity, and to help teachers to use ‘the arts’ , especially outdoors in schools and early years settings. See my Workshops and CPD page for further info.

Exhibitions, Galleries, Workshops and Demonstrations


Fresh Art Fair - Cheltenham

Art Strands @ Iapetus Shell Galley Gt Malvern

Great Malvern Library with Creatives Connect Malvern

The Verzon - Artist of the month

Artist in Residence @ Nature in Art

H-art Herefordshire Open Studios

Gallery Representation

The Gallery - Pershore

Workshops and demonstrations

Creative Fun -Colwall

Creatives Connect Malvern

Demonstration @ Cowbridge Art Society


The Gallery Space- Worcester

ChinweRuss ‘Artists on the Rise’ - On line

Art in Penalt- Monmouth Open Studios -Colwall

Weavers Gallery - Ledbury Art Society

Parks Cafe Gallery- Droitwich Solo Show

VAO23 - on-line

Christchurch pop up gallery with Creative Connect Malvern.

Gallery Representation

The Gallery - Pershore

Workshops and demonstrations

Art in Penalt

Ledbury Arts Society

Creative Fun -Colwall

Creatives Connect Malvern


Three Choirs Festival - Hereford

Broadway Art Open open studios -Colwall

Canwood Gallery -Herefordshire